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Meet Solve Intelligence: A Delaware-based Intellectual Property (IP)-Tech Startup Powered by AI

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Protecting ideas and creativity is patents' primary function within the intellectual property domain (IP). However, writing good patents can be challenging, and it usually calls for experts in the field.

In this newsletter post, we would like to feature Solve Intelligence. Solve Intelligence is a Delaware-based legal tech startup powered by AI. It is changing the face of intellectual property (IP) by giving creators more control over protecting their ideas and patents.

Addressing Patent Drafting Challenges

Patent attorneys frequently have to put much time and effort into manual processes, including reviewing previous art, analyzing complicated legal concepts, and writing exact language when drafting a patent using traditional procedures. Inventors may need help safeguarding their precious innovations due to the lengthy, expensive, and error-prone process.

Solve Intelligence has introduced a patent drafting platform driven by AI to overcome these obstacles. This platform automates, simplifies, and improves the whole patent drafting process. Among the many ways in which its patented AI algorithms aid patent attorneys is in the following areas of patent drafting:

  • The AI gives Patent attorneys a thorough picture of the patent environment, which finds and analyzes pertinent prior art.

  • AI aids in claim formulation by helping to develop patent claims that are clear, concise, and supported by evidence, therefore protecting the breadth of the invention.

  • To check if the Patent is by legal norms, the AI does legal research and gives insights into applicable statutes and case law.

Benefits of Solve Intelligence

Several advantages that make patent writing and intellectual property protection easier and more efficient are offered by Solve Intelligence's AI-powered platform:

  • Automating repetitive activities and providing real-time feedback, AI dramatically reduces the time necessary to generate high-quality patents, allowing for accelerated patent writing.

  • Patent claims are improved in quality and accuracy thanks to the AI's knowledge of patent drafting principles and legal concerns, which increases the chances of patent clearance.

  • Artificial Intelligence lowers the cost of patent drafting by automating processes and enhancing patent quality, making the process more accessible to companies and inventors.

Funding Rounds

Solve Intelligence has raised $3 million in funding from investors, including Y Combinator, Amino Capital, General Advance, SAV, Translink Capital, and Nomad Capital. Recent large investments from investors show that investors are confident in Solve Intelligence's ability to revolutionize patent writing. Expanding its workforce and enhancing its AI skills, Solve Intelligence hopes to position itself as the industry standard for AI-powered patent drafting solutions with new financing.

Key Takeaways

  • Automating, streamlining, and improving the whole patent drafting process is what Solve Intelligence is all about. AI drives it.

  • The AI-driven solutions offered by Solve Intelligence streamline the patent drafting process, enhance the quality of patents, and help businesses and inventors save money.

  • With impressive funding and a promising future, Solve Intelligence is poised to become a frontrunner for AI-powered patent drafting.


Regarding patent drafting, Solve Intelligence is leading the way into a new age when artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than simply an automation tool; it's a catalyst for cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Patent attorneys can concentrate on strategic choices, and inventors may get the help they need to protect their intellectual property thanks to its AI-powered analysis of previous art, claim construction, and legal research capabilities. With its ever-improving AI capabilities, Solve Intelligence is set to transform patent drafting, giving innovators the confidence to protect their discoveries and promote innovation confidently.

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